Have been watching closely after seeing your videos but never put money in as was always concerned about cash flow and now I'm even more concerned! There's a genuine risk that they go bust or have to dilute, which would be embarrassing given the buybacks...

Also, I'm somewhat confused that they haven't taken a write-down on the Vietnam project given the market price collapse.

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I get your concern, but their main issue currently is potential delays with Verra. Potentially whatever negotiations they have with DelAgua and the Rwandan government as well. I assume Vietnam is going to deliver soon since management recently said they weren't in a rush to sell the credits from Rwanda either-- if the pricing wasn't good.

I don't think there's any risk the company goes bust, worse case scenario they'll probably take a loan from Abaxx since they just raised $12M. Base just loaned Abaxx money not that long ago, so I'm sure they would return the favor if necessary. Although that would be embarrassing lol.

As far as the write-down on Vietnam goes, they don't need to do that until they actually realize the gains from selling the credits outside of their offtake agreement. They would just do it quarter by quarter if the pricing was less than $9. But like I've mentioned previously, there's a decent change they get a corresponding adjustment label for Vietnam as well, which would raise the credit pricing significantly.

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